Gardaí warn that burglars aren’t taking a break during lockdown
Gardaí are urging homeowners to remain vigilant and to remember to adhere to their usual home security measures. This comes after Gardaí continue to see homes and cars being targeted, even though everyone has been forced to stay home in recent weeks.
Burglars are believed to be scoping through estates, trying home after home to see if any doors have been unlocked. Remember if you’ve set your alarm to Stay or Away Mode, if someone even tries a door handle, they’ll activate your system, so it’s vitally important that you remember to always use your home alarm.
Cork City has seen a slight increase in break-in in recent weeks, with many burglars targeted cars that have been left unlock. Detective Supt Michael Comyns, head of the Serious Crime Investigation Unit in Cork City said
“in most cases, the thieves won’t smash car or house windows to break-in – they will only target unlocked property, with mobile phones, wallets or cash the most likely items to be taken from unlocked cars.”
We all have a lot of our mind at the moment, but nobody wants the stress of a burglar to add to everything else. Remembering these simple tips could help secure your home during the lockdown.

How to secure your home during the Covid-19 lockdown
- Lock all doors and windows
- Don’t leave spare keys under mats or plant pots
- Double check you’ve locked your car
- Don’t leave car keys in an easily assessable place i.e. near a letterbox
- Always set your alarm to the Stay Mode when you’re home