Secure your home for the darker evenings
An Garda Síochána commenced the winter phase of Operation Thor at the start of the month and have encouraged home owners to stay vigilant. October – March brings that darker evenings, which allows burglars to work under the cover of darkness and it’s consistently the busiest time of the year for break-ins. The operation, which is designed to tackle the anticipated increase in the number of burglaries during the winter months, will run until the end of March 2021.
Most common times for burglaries
The Gardaí revealed that in winter, there is a propensity for burglary to occur in the hours of 4pm to 9pm, with 42.4% of all burglaries occurring within these hours.
Thursday to Saturday are the busiest days for burglars to strike, according to Gardaí. Whether you’re heading out shopping or socializing, it’s important to remember to use your alarm system, setting it to the Away Mode. Any attempt of a break-in will alert the monitoring station, who can notify the Gardaí, who will have an increased presence with the winter phase of Operation Thor.
Analysis from the Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) shows that November is the busiest month of the year for burglaries, with June the safest most (2016 – 2019). On average there were 38% more burglaries in November than there were in June. This represents an average of 334 burglaries.
Here are five home security tips to keep your home secure this Winter

If you’re looking to secure your home with a monitored alarm this Winter please call 1800911740.