The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today revealed the recorded crime rates for Ireland during the first quarter (January – March) of this year. Overall burglaries and related offenses were down 5% compared to the same period of 2018.
Although burglaries were down for the country overall, there were notable increases in the Dublin and Eastern Region of the country.
The Dublin region accounted for almost half of all burglary related offences in Ireland during the 1st quarter of this year, with 48% of burglaries happening throughout Dublin. The Dublin West Garda Division had the highest volume of burglaries in Ireland with 488. The same area also had the biggest percentage change in the county, up 40% from Q1 of last year. Dublin West had more burglaries than the Southern Region of Ireland which includes Cork, Kerry and Limerick.
Although break-ins traditionally decrease in the Summer months, the Gardaí have warned people about using social media when you’re on holiday, which can act as an invitation to burglars, as you advertise your home is empty. Last week Gardaí revealed that some €6.4 million worth of property and cash was stolen in burglaries in the Republic during the summer months last year.
The Western Region of Ireland remains the safest in the country after notable decreases in Galway and Mayo in particular. Mayo residents were almost seven times safer than people living in Dublin.
We’ve broken down the biggest regions with increases from Q1 2019 vs Q1 2018 and have a table of every region in 2018.

HomeSecure CEO Colm Daly welcomed the decrease in burglaries. “We never want to feel vulnerable in our own homes, and it’s great to see many people are taking the correct measures to protect themselves.
We’re proud to be able to play our part in helping Irish homes to stay safe and secure. Coupled with good homeowner practices, vigilant Gardai, and strong links in the community, we hope to see these numbers decrease even further next year.
Home Security is important all year round, we know our customers turn the alarm on and off at similar times throughout the year, staying in a steady routine. In the summer months, it’s particularly important to use simple home security measures. With almost one in four summer burglaries gaining access to your home through an unsecured access point, just locking your doors and windows is a big positive step towards securing your home. Although burglaries are decreasing, our research has shown 1 in 5 people in Ireland are likely to have a burglary in their lifetime.
It is important to note that the CSO are still releasing these statistics under reservation.
If you are looking for a quote on a monitored alarm, please call 1800911740 today.