Gardaí warn about burglary gang’s sly tactics in Wicklow
Gardaí in Wicklow are investigating a burglary gang who are striking once people come home from work in the evening! The gang are believed to be aged 16-19 and are linked with a large number of break-ins in the Delgany, Greystones and Kilcoole areas of North Wicklow.
The Gardaí previously released break-in stats showing that the most common time for break-ins around this time of the year is 5-11pm. However, this tactic of waiting for people to come back home hasn’t been widely reported before. The gang may be seeking to pounce at this time as people could have their guard lowered and people be more likely to leave their door unlocked.
The burglary gang are reported to carry hammers and steel bars and are said to be targeting cash and jewellery, rather than larger items. Gardaí have responded to the recent reports by sending more patrol cars to monitor the area.

We recommend all HomeSecure customers, especially those in the North Wicklow region, lock all doors and windows as soon as you come home from work. Also remember to immediately arm the Stay Mode when you’re home. This way, if someone tries to gain access, your alarm will activate, alerting the monitoring station and scaring away any opportunistic thieves.
If you’re looking to secure your home with a monitored alarm, please contact 1800 911 731.